Anna is my key business partner for custom made bottlecap
magnets. That was not my intent, but Anna envisioned herself working alongside
her son and so it is. The first time my wife and I met Anna her life was turned
completely upside down because her husband had just died.
Her husband was a stay-at -home dad who cared for her son
with a label of autism. Anna was a highly skilled surgical nurse who spent her
weeks away from home as an itinerant nurse. She was paid well enough to support
her family on her salary. After her husband died she could no longer continue
her work as a nurse. She lost her income, her work, and her man. She was left
mostly alone to care for her son.
She was able to get a slight break of 2 days a week at a Sheltered
Workshop where she knew her son would be safe and she could have some needed
time to herself. That changed when a community do gooder convinced the Workshop
Board to approve raising her son from a sub-minimum to a minimum wage. Due to
the increased cost, her son was reduced to one day rather than two.
Last year, the government decided to take away her son’s
social security check for several months as they said he had been overpaid.
Last year at Christmas time, a pipe froze and her house flooded while she was
away for the holidays.
Anna has understandably much to be sad about, but she has an
incredible spirit and desire to be thankful for what she still has. That is
what motivates me to be like her. Not a day goes by where she doesn’t say thank
you grace and I love you.
Grace……. bestowal of
blessings….Thank you Grace….Thank you Anna
Behind this good writer is a great editor; Mark Bloom. Learn more about Mark's talents at
Amazing Grace Lyrics
John Newton (1725-1807)
Through many dangers, toils and
I have already come.
Tis Grace has brought me safe thus far...
and Grace will lead us home.
I have already come.
Tis Grace has brought me safe thus far...
and Grace will lead us home.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.
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