Sunday, February 28, 2016

Lance Kurland: Living in Harmony

 Lance creating magic with his music

When I moved to Asheville, North Carolina, in June 2014, one of the first people to reach out to me was Lance Kurland, an intuitive healer and collaborative singer/songwriter disguised as an insurance salesman. Lance defied all stereotypes of what it meant to sell insurance.

Lance shared an idea he had for creating passive income. Even if I never earn a cent from his idea, I’ll still appreciate his kindness and generosity. So I’d like to reciprocate by creating a way for Lance to have his passive income. Think of it as an insurance policy in case his way doesn’t pan out.

Like me, Lance had learned Reiki, an energy healing technique. But while I was content to follow the principles, Lance created his own way of doing it. When he demonstrated his techniques, I could tell he really felt the energy. I found myself wondering what the world would be like if Lance fully devoted himself to healing others with his energy work and his music. He’s an extraordinary man.

By the way, an intuitive healer is one who relies on the use of all five senses to locate and correct imbalances in the energetic flow within the body. Similarly, an energy healer uses different techniques to stimulate the body’s systems to self-heal. Both healing modalities facilitate spiritual growth as well.

I’ve learned to trust Lance’s ability to judge the character of other people. I know I’d get along with any of his friends. As an example, I once met a “successful businesswoman” who, without speaking with me directly, became indignant that I had no desire to hire her to take my business to a place I neither wanted nor needed. I questioned myself repeatedly after that meeting, seeking some fault of my own.

Later, I learned that Lance had somehow offended this woman when they met. If the man devoted to creating harmony in this world had upset her, then something must be wrong with her, not me. Thank you, Lance; I wish to live in harmony with the world, just like you.

When I say “harmony,” I’m referring to an orderly or pleasing combination of elements in a whole in other words, the order and harmony of the universe. Harmony is also a combination of simultaneous musical notes that produce pleasing chords and chord progressions.

Behind this good writer is a great editor; Mark Bloom. Learn more about Mark's talents at 

People Who Make Music Together by Paul Hindemith
"People who make music together, cannot be enemies, cannot be enemies, at least while the music lasts. We are friends forever when we sing together; the whole world is better when we sing. So let's sing forever, hold our hands together, make the whole world better, come and sing."

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